Truck and Man Pet Transport 2025
Pets between UK and EU - If owner is not at channel crossing, then we should both sign a letter stating T. Nathan Roane is allowed temporary custody during transport with pet's info, templates found online or else handwritten. RFID microchip in dog, cat, or ferret is required for their international travel. Always best to check with your vet for updated info, have them confirm chip readability shortly before travel. Chip number is then also stated in health certificate or passport. The main change for pet travel out of GB since Brexit 2021 is that UK pet passports are no longer valid for travel into the EU, unless your animal already has a valid non-UK EU passport, issued in an EU country. Primary rabies vaccination should be given at least 21 days before travel/certification, and when the pet was at least 12 weeks of age, with rabies booster shots given every 3 to 5 years or based on serology. Confirm with your vet, they should know all. Tapeworm treatment if traveling to Finland, Northern Ireland, Ireland, or Malta (to be given and vet certified 24-120 hours before entry to EU/NI). Channel crossing customs expectantly hands me their scanner gun like in a grocery store self-checkout, I scan pet's neck, agent has all relevant vaccine and ownership info on their computer. I am great with animals, gladly feed and walk and scratch ears if they like it, small ones may ride as passengers in front cabin and chat with me.
Pets within EU - So far, I have yet to be asked for pet info transported within the European Union or Switzerland, assume cat or dog has updated vaccines and EU passport.